Latest PS Flood Barriers™ News

PS Flood Barriers™ Case Study: Glen Cove High School

Until Hurricane Sandy, decision makers in the city of New York had differing opinions on the importance of flood protection. The devastating flooding that resulted from the tropical cyclone in 2012 left no unbelievers, however. The only question on everyone’s mind was “how can we prevent this from happening again?” For the leadership at Glen Cove High School on Long Island – a facility housing grades 9-12 set on 50 acres of land – long-term plans started to include serious flood protection.

PS Industries Inc. Acquires Flood Barrier Inc., Strengthening Flood Protection Solutions in the Southeast United States

PS Industries, a leading provider of products that protect people and property, including flood protection solutions since 1974, is excited to announce the acquisition of Flood Barrier, a well-established leader in flood protection based in Florida. This strategic acquisition will further strengthen PS Industries’ highly regarded PS Flood Barriers™ division, bringing together two companies with decades of expertise that share a proven commitment to safeguarding people and property from the devastating effects of flooding.

PROVEN SOLUTIONS: Different Kinds Of Floods Require Different Kinds Of Flood Protection

Not all floods are created equal. Every flood features water, of course, but where that water comes from can be very different for each situation. In addition, the accumulation of floodwater can happen at different rates and can be accompanied by strong winds, powerful currents, troublesome debris and a host of other factors. It stands to reason, then, that each combination of characteristics that make a flood unique also requires flooding solutions that are distinctly developed to address them. Treating all floods the same can lead to breakdowns in flood protection, but fortunately, proper planning can secure virtually any business or building against the destructive power of floodwaters.

PROVEN SOLUTIONS: Flood Barriers Should Stand Up To Water And Debris Impacts As Well

There is a lot to consider when you’re planning flood protection for your building / facility. When choosing the best flow barrier, for example, one must consider more than just the size and structure of the opening, the means of deployment (active vs passive) and the water pressure. It’s also critical not to forget that the current within floodwaters often carries debris with it.

PS Industries® Acquires ILC Dover’s Flex-Gate®, Flex-Cover® Products / Brands

The primary assets included in this acquisition will be Flex-Cover®, Flex-Gate® and Flex-Wall®, which together make up an innovative lineup of flood barrier products constructed using a revolutionary combination of high-strength textiles and corrosion resistant hardware. Many of these products are stored at the point-of-use and are unique in the marketplace. As of January 17, 2023, these products will be manufactured by PS Industries and sold under the PS Flood Barriers brand.

PROVEN SOLUTIONS: The Build America, Buy American (BABA) And American Iron And Steel (AIS) Provisions And How They Impact Doors, Safety Gates And Hatches

The idea of American governing bodies requiring that materials used in publicly funded projects originate in the United States is not a new one. In fact, the original Buy American Act originated in 1933, requiring federal agencies to purchase “domestic end products” and use “domestic construction materials.” This act has been amended multiple times over the past 90 years or so, including revisions in the late 1970s and the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act introduced in 2021 (and taking effect in 2022). How do these regulations govern the inclusion of doors in a project? Read on for more information.

PROVEN SOLUTIONS: Understanding The Organizations Involved In Flood Protection And How They Relate To Products

Flood protection is serious business, and rightly so. If a company claims that a product will perform a certain way under flooding conditions, failing to live up to those claims can be disastrous for everyone involved. As a result, various organizations have evolved in North America over the past century with the purpose of standardizing, testing and certifying manufactured flood protection measures. However, each of these entities approaches this critical task in a slightly different way, and that can lead to confusion on the part of those purchasing and installing the products. Here’s a brief overview of the most important organizations in flood control – and what each of them views as their responsibility in making sure that flood products live up to their promise.

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